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Condensed milk is a delicious traditional recipe where water is removed partially from the milk and sugar is added so it can be conserved for a long time.

Historically condensed milk other than being delicious on the table, served an important and nutritive duty in battles, in lack of food and still is a source of energy and nutrition. Condensed milk, do to all its characteristics it keeps all proteins from natural milk, being a true source of nutrition in today’s food markets.


Our condensed milk, made with high quality standards, keeps all proteins from natural milk and its fat and dairy characteristics. It’s ideal use is with traditional desserts, in high bakery, keeping a dense texture, white color and a soft milky flavor.

Ideal for “Tres Leches” cakes and other soft cakes.
Dulce de Leche para la Mesa
Dulce de Leche ligth

Less Calories

With a bit of essence from our traditional formula and replacing sugar carbohydrates, we managed an ideal balance, delicious and with a soft flavor with less sugar.

Milk with less calories is produced with skim liquid milk keeping its nutritional properties. It has a white natural color and a creamy texture.




Our product condensed milk flavored sauce is ideal for ice-cream decoration, ice cones, “Vikingos”, “Cholados”, between other typical food from each region, its dense texture and milky flavor make it ideal as a Topping.

Leche Condensada Topping

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